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Services Overview


Our services are holistically designed to help children and young people be as healthy as possible, in every way, by providing the contemporary, relevant help and support they need.


We work in schools, colleges and across communities as well as with parents and young people directly.

We’re proud of our reputation for delivering ‘real’, people-centric services that are value for money and make positive, life-changing differences. It’s the reason we’re commissioned by so many funders and service providers to help children, young people and families.

The principle services provided by Step 2  are as follows:

Step 2 Supports Young People's Health in Bradford

Offered by qualified, person-centred counsellors, registered with the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP), or equivalent, accessible through community based settings,  primary and secondary schools and online, for young people and parents 


Specialists in Relationship and Sex Education empowering schools and care providers in confident, ‘real’ delivery of Relationship and Sex Education to young people. We can also support other elements of the PSHE programme, and currently are supporting delivery of vaping and gambling education.


FREE for secondary schools in Bradford District.

CPD Training

Our experts teach you with bespoke, setting-specific programmes and Talking Taboos workshops that empower staff and build capacity. 


To book a workshop or discuss your training requirements please contact us and we will be in touch with you shortly.

Step 2 offers CPD Training
Relationships and Wellbeing

Widely commissioned in communities, schools and colleges for impactful, holistic sexual health outreach to under-25 and learning disability client groups.

We work in partnership with Locala to offer free condoms and sexual health advice for young people aged 13-24

Step 2 Supports Young People's Health
Step 2 Supports Professionals
Clinical Supervision

We offer qualified clinical supervision for professionals  who support children and young people with their mental health, sexual health, and wellbeing.


These professionals could be safeguarding leads, school staff and other social care professionals.

Step 2 offers group work
Group Work

We offer a range of programmes to help improve the emotional well-being of children and young people and to also educate children and young people on a range of health related issues.


All of our programmes  are adaptable to suit the needs of the young people we work with.

We Support

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