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Know yourself...Children's Mental Health Week 2025

This year the theme for Children’s Mental Health Week is ‘Know yourself, grow yourself’.

We know that there is more need for good quality support for children and young people - now more than ever. In 2023 a report by NHS England found that one in five children and young people had a probable mental health condition.

By supporting children and young people to understand more about themselves through counselling and play, they can discover more about how they process things and what they might need in order to stay healthy.

"I enjoyed the play"

A Goals Based Outcome (GBO’s) evidenced based measure is captured at the start and end of a child’s counselling journey with Step 2. It gauges levels of anxiety and stress, and the Reliable Change Index indicates that change greater than 2.82 points demonstrates a reliable change in the child. Across the delivery of counselling to children in the 2023-2024 academic year Step 2 averaged at an overall change of 4.75 points!

“Scott” a child who accessed counselling with Step 2 in his school, said he “enjoyed the play” in counselling.

The non-directive nature of the counselling gave him the opportunity to use the space for play, laughter and conversation - engaging in activities both with the counsellor and independently according to what he chose to do each session.

Play and creative activities in counselling can help children to process memories, create understanding and order of thoughts and feelings. Allowing children space with a counsellor, not only gives them opportunity to voice their feelings without worry, but also to better make sense of their sense of self in relation to the world around them.

Even the offer of counselling can both normalise access to support for mental health, and also pave the way for children to access support like counselling again in the future.



Step 2 supports children and young people with their mental health directly through offers such as 1:1 counselling in schools, and education about safe and healthy relationships. Not only that but we support the adults around children and young people too - through training and workshops, clinical supervision and groups for parents. If you want to know more about any of these offers, you are always welcome to get in touch! Pop us an email through or give us a call on 01274 720 185.


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