Sadly, we have said goodbye to Rachel Lee has now moved onto pastures new and we wish her every success for the future. In her place we welcome Sarah, our new RSE Curriculum Lead.
Meet Sarah..

"My name is Sarah Pearson. I am a Mum, Wife and pet owner of far too many animals! I have worked in and around education for almost 2 decades in numerous roles. 8 years ago, I took the plunge and started my teaching degree - no easy feat with three young children at home! I then started my teaching career in Primary school which I absolutely loved (although I'd never seen quite so much glitter in one place at Christmas time!). Seeking another challenge, I embarked on the journey of teaching Relationship and Sex Education with the JAMES Project almost 18 months ago, which led to me taking the lead on the project here at Step2 in April 2024. Working at Step 2 means that I get to experience a whole range of ways to help young people and to watch experts doing what they do best - a real privilege.
I wholeheartedly believe that teaching RSE in schools helps to empower our young people, giving them the confidence to have a voice - to stand up for what they believe in - and to keep themselves, and others as safe as they can in this ever-evolving world. With the never-ending battle with social media misinformation, it is more important than ever that schools are teaching students correct information around how to keep themselves safe as they enter the adult world. Young voices are the voices of our future. We now live in a world that literally didn't exist 20 years ago and that is why I love doing what I do - on a daily basis I get to be educated by them, just as much as they are educated by me - no day is ever the same!
Thank you Sarah and a big warm welcome to Step2 ☺